Build Consumer Trust with Your Labels

Build Consumer Trust

As Rebecca wearily searched the packed shelves of her local grocery store looking for her favorite sour cherry preserves, she paused. Although she had decided years ago that the irresistible jelly would be a regular staple in her pantry, she hesitated as she reached for the uniquely packaged delicatessen. Always presented in a small, elegantly shaped glass jar, she was sure she was reaching for the right product, but something was wrong. After closer examination, and noticing that the product didn’t match the same product jar place behind the one she had now picked up, she realized the labels were different colors. They didn’t differ much, but they were different. Why? She wondered. As she unconsciously urged herself to hurry along, she questioned if one jar was older than the other. Why would they be different? Was one expired?

As a manufacturer or a retailer, we suspect you’re screaming inside and saying “No, Rebecca, it means nothing! Trust us. Just take one and stay loyal to our product. This happens. Sometimes labels differ from print run to print run.”

But, let us tell you, they really shouldn’t. Why? Let’s get back to Rebecca.

Within only several seconds, after a long day’s work, Rebecca decided to gently place the jar back on the shelf and grab a new brand, a brand she had never tried before, off the shelf. As she placed her choice in her cart she was disappointed, but not enough to risk purchasing a product that may be tainted. She quickly forgot about her spontaneously generated worries about her favorite brand and moved on with her shopping.

Although it may be hard for some to imagine this happening so quickly or with a customer they would describe as dedicated to their brand, it’s far too common. Whether consumers have purchased your brand for years or they are seeing it for the first time, trust is key to the success of your products. You wouldn’t expect a shopper to buy something with a broken seal, or a cracked container, so you shouldn’t expect them to buy something that looks “different” or “wrong” either. 

Grace Amazing Labels understands how important it is for your product labels to be consistent across the board. Within less than four seconds you need to get a customer’s attention, impress them, help them make a buying decision, and make them select your product. You need to care about your labels each time your products are added to the store shelves. 

We also understand the importance of showcasing your products with the highest quality label materials and finishes. Are your labels unique? Use unconventional materials? Have hot stamping or embossing? We can print them and make sure your products and your brand stand out and build trust with your current and future customers, purchase after purchase, time after time. 

Need consistent, high-quality product labels? Call us today at 888-355-9356 or email us at We can help.

Take it from our customers...

Toledo Spirits
We ran out of our Fox Trot labels and had a big release coming up and Grace imaging came thru to get us our labels the next day.
Abelha Organic Cachaca
We approached Grace as we needed someone with the expertise to handle delivering a unique label very quickly. The Grace team was able to meet and exceed all of our needs, and help us create a beautiful, high-quality label that was on time and on target.
Sandy with The Victory Center
Grace is a wonderful company dedicated to excellent customer service. They are also generous with charitable donations. Highly recommend!
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